Saturday 15 March 2014

MCX Real Time Data

What is Real Time Data?

  • Before going into MCX Real Time Data, we have to understand the term Real Time Data. By Real Time Data, we mean the truly accurate, live and timely data of the stock market( Equity, Commodity, Currency, Options) movements that are fed in different charting platforms like Amibroker, Metastock, Metatrader etc. Real time data for stock charts is extremely essential for Share Market TradersBrokers and Analysts

What is MCX Real Time Data? 

The Chart depicts Real Time Data Feed in Charting Software

  • This data is delivered by Multi Commodity  Exchange of India. It is considered as the most popular commodity live data in India. It comprises data's of many Commodities like Agricultural, Precious metals, Energy, Metals, Bullion etc. It can also be traded through Online Trading

Commodities Live Rates- 

MCX deals in the trading of 40 commodities which include bullions, metals, energy, fiber, spices and more. and NCDEX offers 34 commodities of which 23 are agri-based and the rest include precious metals and others. Detailed category list of commodities under MCX & NCDEX are as follows- 

MCX -  

  • Bullion - Gold, Gold Guinea, Gold Mini, Gold Petal, Silver, Silver M, Silver Micro, Siver 1000, Platinum
  • Energy - Crude Oil, Brent Crude Oil. ATF, Natural Gas, Gasoline, Heating Oil, Imported Thermal Coal, 
  • Fiber -  Cotton, Kapas
  • Metals - Nickel( Nickel Mini), Aluminium, Aluminium Mini(Alumini), Copper, Copper Mini, Lead, Lead Mini, Tin, Zinc, Zinc Mini
  • Oil & Oil Seeds -  Crude Palm Oil, Kapasia Khalli, Soya Bean, Refined Soya Oil
  • Cereals - Wheat, Barley, Maize
  • Spices - Cardamom, Coriander
  • Weather -  Carbon(CER), Carbon(CFR)
  • Plantations - Rubber
  • Others -  Potato, Menthaoil, Guar Gum, Guar Seed, Potato, Sugar M, Almond, 


Agri-Products -  
  • Cereals - Barley, Wheat, Maize Kharif, Maize Rabi
  • Fiber - Kapas
  • Oil & Oil Seeds - Castor Seed, Cotton Seed Oilcake, Rape Mustard Seed, Soy Bean, Soy Oil- Refined, Soy Bean Meal, RBD Palmolein, Cotton Seed Crude Palm Oil
  • Pulses - Chana
  • Spices - Coriander, Jeera, Turmeric, Pepper, Chilli
  • Plantation Products - Rubber
  • Guar Complex - Guargum, Guarseed
  • Soft - Gur, Sugar
Non-Agri Products -
  • Precious Metals - Gold Hedge, Gold Hedge 100, Silver Hedge
  • Metals - Steel, Copper
  • Energy - Crude Oil, Brent Crude Oil
  • Others - Polyvinyl Chloride

MCX-SX (MCX Currency) 

  • MCX Stock Exchange Limited (MCX-SX) is recognized by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under Section 4 of Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. The Exchange was notified a “recognized stock exchange” under Section 2(39) of the Companies Act, 1956 by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India, on December 21, 2012. Shareholders of the Exchange include India’s top public sector banks, private sector banks and domestic financial institutions.
  • MCX-SX is majority owned (51%) by MCX (Multi Commodity Exchange) and is meant to provide low cost, high speed, platform to facilitate the trading of exchange traded currency derivatives while removing counter party risk. 

Conclusion - 

Commodity is the mostly used trading in Indian market. Commodity is a good source of income in India. Many Indians totally depends on Commodity prices for their living. By MCX Trading you can get more profit but their are chances of loss also. The chances of loss is very small if we do trading by mind you will get surely success. Luck is also responsible here, So Mostly people do the trading on MCX. Generally everyone who is doing trading depends on a company software which works on the windows only with laptop. It means that you always need laptop with you to stay updated with prices of MCX. With the increase in smartphones different companies launched their android apps to stay updated with the prices, but all apps have a time lag of 20 minutes means the prices on android apps are 20 minutes old than exact live rates. So, the main point is to choose the Right Real Time Data Service Provider with extreme caution so that we can extract maximum out of it. 

Always remember –“You cannot use yesterday’s ideas for today’s business and expect to be in business tomorrow”. Be ready to accept and implement change immediately and constantly as “Change” is the only factor that’s constant in the world – everything else keeps changing and its meaning is all the more true in these highly volatile and ever-changing market scenarios.

Thank You!

MCX Real Time Data for Amibroker

What is Real Time Data for Amibroker?

Real Time Data is fed into charting software like Amibroker and generates charts which is used for Technical Analysis and Forecasting Trend. 

  • This is the snapshot of Real Time Data Feed in Amibroker. Right corner of the chart indicates the price movements against the respective time of trading. Real Time Live data is fed into this charting software and prices and volume are updated tick by tick in accordance to the live trading that is taking place through Stock Exchanges. 
  • Real Time Data feeds the world's best Stock Charting software-AmiBroker. It is very user friendly . Even people who are not much familiar with Computer can use it without going through any manual . Almost No Configuration is required for connecting it to AmiBroker. The software is based on .NET technology and it is highly efficient as this software is highly multithreaded.

Live Updates of MCX Crude Oil in Amibroker

    This is the snapshot of MCX Crude Oil update in Amibroker. Right corner of the chart indicates the price movements of Crude Oil against the respective time of trading. Real Time Live data is fed into this charting software and prices and volume are updated tick by tick in accordance to the live trading that is taking place through Stock Exchanges. The picture depicts 'Buy' signal at the price of Rs 6353 at @ Profit of Rs 106 from Stop Price of Rs 6459 and 'Sell' signal at Rs 6456 at Profit of Rs 7 from Sell Stop Price of Rs 6463. To get the right update of the Stock Prices and to do the right Charting Analysis , we need truly Real Time Live Data that are generated continuously from Stock Exchange. That is why we need to be aware of certain factors or parameters that distinguishes good Real Time Data Service Providers like and amongst the many 'Claiming to be' Good Real Time Data Service Providers. 

    Thank You !

    Spot Market Prices in MCX

    What is a Spot Market?

    • Spot Market is also called as 'Cash Market' or 'Physical Market' because because prices are settled in cash on the spot at current market prices, as opposed to forward prices. Crude oil is an example of a future that is sold at spot prices but its physical delivery occurs in one month or less.

    What is Spot Contract and Spot Price?

    • Spot contractspot transaction, or simply spot, is a contract of buying or selling a commoditysecurity or currency for Settlement (payment and delivery) on the spot date, which is normally two business days after the trade date. The settlement price (or rate) is called spot price (or spot rate). A spot contract is in contrast with a Forward contract or Futures contract where contract terms are agreed now but delivery and payment will occur at a future date.

    The following chart shows a Spot prices of Commodities under MCX

    Snapshot of MCX Spot Market Price

    The Spot Price Chart for MCX provides the actual price of the Commodities with no Future Contract. The rate is decided as per International Price and is updated in accordance with it.

    Thank You !

    Commodity Data Feed

    Commodity Data Feed -MCX

    • The Exchange provides information relating to commodities traded on the Exchange, together with the spot prices of such commodities, and other information relating to the commodities traded on the Exchange, collectively known as the "Data feed".
    • Market data comes in two forms: Live & Historical. A live market data feed is required for trading. Historical data sets are used for analysis and back-testing. Historical daily closing prices are publicly available for free from a variety of sources (such as Google Finance, Yahoo Finance etc). Most data and trading software vendors can provide historical intraday trade data for a specified time window (e.g. 6 months). 
    • Live Intraday trade data can also be accessed on the internet for free, but it is often delayed (20 minutes is standard) to prevent users from trading with it. Non-delayed Live Intraday trade data should be available through any trading software vendor for a modest price. All good trading software vendors will provide live quote and trade data via their user interface. 
    • Delayed Datafeed: This feed is provided at a regular interval of 2 minute or 5 minute from Datafeed server of the Exchange. The feed includes all the commodities contracts traded on the Exchange together with the spot prices and all Indices.
    • End-of-day (Bhavcopy): This file is generated at the end of each trading day and it contains the end of day Bhavcopy information including day's contract wise Open, High, Low and Closing prices with volumes etc

      - Mechanism - 

      • Live data are being generated in individual Stock Exchanges as per live trading that is continuously taking place. This data which is being generated by the Exchange is then relayed to the servers located in the data centers which then gets accessible by clients through NSPs (Network Service Providers) which acts as carriers of Exchange information and trading services to its end clients. 

        - Medium of Delivery of MCX Datafeed - 

        Picture depicts flow of Datafeed from Exchange
        through dedicated leased lines 
          • Dedicated Leased circuit: Subscriber is required to establish 2 Mbps leased circuit connectivity and arrange their own network equipment for sourcing Real-time Datafeed from the Exchange Data-Center. Subscriber is fully responsible for procurement, commissioning and maintenance of the Leased circuits and they procure from MTNL or other service providers. Data come directly from Exchanges to clients(no intermediaries) with very high speed and higher security. 
          • Over Internet: Subscriber who has a problem in commissioning of Leased Line or who is from overseas wants to source Real-time Datafeed from Exchange can avail this facility. Exchange charges minimum additional amount Rs. 50,000/- annually from the vendors for providing this service.

          Thank You !

          MCX Commodities Market Watch

          What is MCX Commodity Market Watch?

          MCX Commodity Market Watch displays the real time market updates. It can be viewed in any Live Terminals and update can be noted. 

          The following chart shows a snapshot of MCX Commodities Market Watch

          Snapshot of MCX Commodities Market Watch

          The above chart is just a snapshot. In reality, the chart gets updated real time. It is displays all the details like VolumeOpen PriceHigh price, Low Price, Post closing Price (PCP) including the Expiry Month of the Commodity Contract. 

          Live MCX Rates on Mobile -  

          • Staying connected has become extremely important and information has become the lifeline of market participants. And there is no better router than the wireless Internet. 
          • An active trader for Equity & Commodity market always needs to be aware/well-informed about the latest prices of the stocks and commodities, which unfortunately, for some of us is difficult due to our respective jobs or professions and as a result of which we may miss out on achieving good profits and may also result in Huge Monetary Loss.
          • Now you can access the MCX Price information at any given point, all you need to do is download MCX Price application 


            • Real Time market feed
            • Track market movement of desired scripts
            • View Real Time Index Display
            • View Market depth and offers in the market along with volume, ATP, Open, High, Low & Percentage change
            • Create multiple profiles for display in market watch
            • Create your own Watch List and Preferences
            • Monitor market rates
            • Simple and easy method to download the application on the mobile

            Thank You !

            MCX Data Providers

            There are numerous MCX Real Time Data Providers in the country. But very few are there who are genuinely good when it comes to several parameters like AccuracyTimely natureProblem solving & Data RecoverabilityLong Term Stability and Technical Support, Price etc. One such good Real Time Data Service Provider is with their products have become quite popular and is having a large customer base and satisfaction levels when it comes to Real Time Data Quality, Error Free Updation of Multiple Scripts & Prompt Customer Service.

            Key Factors to judge the quality of Real Time Data - 

            Truly "real time data feed" Quality of Real Time Data matters the most and is the primary when it comes to perform Technical Analysis. Data should be absolutely Real Time Data with negligible delay period to do the accurate Analysis. Choose companies that provides live demonstrations so that you can judge the quality of the Real Time Data.

            How to choose the right Real Time Data
            PricePrice is also a significant factor determining which Real Time Data Provider to choose. But price should act as secondary factor after judging the Quality of Real time Data. Most companies nowadays are offering almost similar prices of their products delivering Real Time Data. So, price remains competitive in todays market. 

            After sales service. Many traders think that cheap rate means bad support. So traders should choose Service Providers that offer Prompt and Quality Technical Support Service. Companies like has dedicated live chat support for 24 hours for any assistance thus making them even more popular among numerous Service Providers. 

            Software Simplicity-
             Traders should make sure that products that are being offered are simple, extremely user friendly, robust and also have good compatibility in even slow speed Internet. Choose a Service Provider that offers customer friendly products. 

            Problem solving and data recoverability- 
             It is a very vital factor that should never be ignored. Besides all the customer friendly features that one has to look for, traders should also mind the fact that those software's should have good problem solving capability as well as Data Recoverability feature so that data is not lost in account of any technical issues. Back filling of Data and Recovery of lost data is very crucial for Stock Market Data. 

            Automatic Simultaneous Updations- Stock Traders and analysts are very busy during trading hours. It is very tough for them to separately select and update scripts. Softwares should automatically and simultaneously perform live Updations of Back filling and Real Time Data so that time is not lost.

            Long-run stability and service-  Many data providers emerge in market suddenly with sophisticated website to attract traders and general customers. Hence, they lack in quality and service and just vanish from the market all of a sudden. Traders and Customers needs to be aware of these unscrupulous Companies! 

            Thank You !

            MCX Real Time Data for Metatrader -

            Real Time Data is fed into charting software like Metatrader and generates charts which is used for Technical Analysis and Forecasting Trend. 

            Below is a snapshot of MCX Real Time Data feed in Metatrader.

            Snapshot of Real Time Update in MetaTrader


            MetaTrader is an independent trading platform that was developed for trading Forex, options, and futures.
            • The MetaTrader platform is most well known for it's diverse Technical Analysis ability.
            • Accessible, user-friendly interface
            • Wide choice of instruments
            • More than 50 indicators
            • Can run multiple accounts
            • Multi-currency and Multi-language support
            • Smartphone apps for getting Market Price on the go. 

            Thank You !

            MCX Commodity Future Contracts

            What are MCX Commodity Future Contracts?

            • Commodities such as grains, basic food products, metals and energy products trade through standardized contracts called Futures Contracts. A commodity futures contract is for the future delivery of a specified amount of a commodity. Commodity contracts are used by buyers and sellers of the commodities to lock in future delivery price and by traders looking to profit from commodity price changes.

            It is an 'agreement' to trade a set amount of a commodity at a predetermined price and date. Buyers use these to avoid the risks associated with the price fluctuations of the product or raw material, while sellers try to lock in a price for their products. Like in all financial markets, others use such contracts to take chance on price movements. There are many benefits as well as dangers of trading in commodity futures

            Benefits of trading in commodity futures- 

            • Can buy (go long) or sell (go short) commodity futures contracts- Commodity future's trading allows the trader to either buy or sell the contract. If the trader thinks the price of the commodity will go up, they buy the contract and hope to sell it back in the future at a higher price for a profit. On the other hand, a trader who thinks the price of the commodity will decrease can sell the contract and buy it back later hopefully for a profit.

              Commodity Trading has high rewards
            • Can trade with a small amount of capital- Since commodity trading utilizes leverage, it is possible to trade without a lot of upfront Trading capital. Additionally, there is no interest charged for the use of Leverage as there is for margin trading in stocks.
            • Volatility in some markets offers potential for quick profits- Some contracts such as Gold, Crude Oil, Silver, gasoline offer large price fluctuations at times. This makes for a dynamic market where quick profits can be made.
            • Risk management- Risk management is a major benefit for commodity traders in India. Exchanges have well structured settlement procedures and risk management practices, which reassures an investor.Clearing houses stands as a legal counter party between the buyer and the seller; thus the clearing house becomes buyer to every seller and seller to every buyer. Due to this, there is no need to examine the credit-worthiness of each counter party, which makes the entire process of trading easier.

              Dangers of trading in Commodity Futures-  

              • Principal is not guaranteed- Like trading stocks, there is no guarantee of your initial investment. However, in buying stock in a company, your loss is limited to the amount you paid for the stock. In commodity futures trading, losses can mount to a greater amount then your initial margin used to open the position and additional capital through margin calls may be necessary if the market goes against your position.

              • Commodity Trading comes high risks also
                High risk due to Leverage- As written on the benefits page, using leverage only requires a small amount of initial capital to initiate a new position and price volatility can lead to big profits or big losses. That is why many people suggest using stop losses to limit potential losses.
              • High price volatility could lead to margin calls- A margin call is when the market is going against your position and additional capital is required. At this time, additional margin will be deducted from your account balance. If there are insufficient funds in your account, your broker will notify you of the additional amount that is required. If these additional funds are not promptly deposited into the trader's account, their positions will be automatically liquidated by the broker.

              Thank You !